Subject: Re: C++ problem: building "pkgsrc/audio/daapd" with GCC 4.x
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/01/2006 11:06:29
In article <>, writes:
>> void TypeRegistry::registerVar( const Var* var ) {
>> varMap[var->name] = var;
>> container << Tag( 'mdcl' ) <<
>> Tag( 'mcnm' ) << var->mnemonic << end <<
>> Tag( 'mcna' ) << var->name << end <<
>> Tag( 'mcty' ) << (u16)var->type << end <<
>> end;
>> }
> I guess: TypeRegistry is a template class ...
It is indeed.
> ... and end doesn't depend on the template parameter.
Shouldn't TypeRegistry::End work in that case? Unfortunately it doesn't.
> Try this->end instead.
That doesn't work because it's a static member:
registry.cpp: In static member function 'static void TypeRegistry::registerVar(const TypeRegistry::Var*)':
registry.cpp:134: error: 'this' is unavailable for static member functions
registry.cpp:135: error: 'this' is unavailable for static member functions
registry.cpp:136: error: 'this' is unavailable for static member functions
registry.cpp:137: error: 'this' is unavailable for static member functions
There is only one thing which is worse than fixing old C code to compile
with GCC 4.x: fixing old C++ code to do the same.
Kind regards
Matthias Scheler