Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mk
To: None <>
From: Amitai Schlair <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/11/2006 20:55:41
Dieter Baron wrote:

> : By the way, I would prefer to only create the fail-wrappers when 
> : PKG_DEVELOPER is set. For a typical user (even more for unexperienced 
> : users) this is just annoying.

Shouldn't the need for a C++ compiler (for instance), like includes and 
libraries, be one of the aspects of the build environment that we 
repeatably control?

Besides, presumably the rest of the packages needing C++ will be fixed 
soon, after which this will rarely bother anyone; if and when it does, 
we'll want non-developers' work logs to contain useful error messages.

(My bias: I'm generally in favor of making builds more consistent across 
varying environments, and therefore generally opposed to making build 
output deliberately non-identical.)

- Amitai