Subject: Re: A SMIL 2.1 player for NetBSD?
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Gan Uesli Starling <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/23/2006 08:27:14
Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, Gan Uesli Starling wrote:
>> baal: {50} make
>> make: "/home/aplonis/ffmpeg-cvs/Makefile" line 12: Missing dependency operator
>> make: "/home/aplonis/ffmpeg-cvs/Makefile" line 15: Need an operator
> Try gmake (GNU make) instead. (It is at pkgsrc/devel/gmake.)
> If that doesn't work, give us the first 20 or so lines of this Makefile.
>  Jeremy C. Reed
> echo ':6DB6=88>?;@69876tA=AC8BB5tA6487><' | tr '4-F' 'wu rofIn.lkigemca'

Thanks Jeremy,

Part way home, I think. That seemed to satisfy Ambulant's special ffmpeg pkg.
And I can see it is here by...

baal: {1} ls /usr/local/bin | grep ffmpeg
baal: {2}

But when I run Ambulant's configure script it still complains that it can't see 
ffmpeg like so...

ball: {3} ./configure

...many lines not shown...

checking for FFMPEG... Discovered FFMPEG version to use - not found

...many lines not shown...

ambulant-1.6.1 will be built with following parameters:

         targeted prefix:                /usr/local
         compiler:                       gcc

         Enable SMIL21 support:          true
         Enable external DOM:            true
         Use expat XML library:          true
         Use xerces XML library:         false
         Enable Xerces as plugin:        false
         Build with ffmpeg:              false
         Turn on ffmpeg Dirac support:   false
         Build Qtopia frontend:          false
         Build Qt frontend:              true
         Build Cocoa frontend:           false
         Build with SDL:                 true
         Build with ARTS support:        false
         Build with RTSP:    true
         Build with Python support:     false

ffmpeg not found or disabled. Building without ffmpeg (which means you limited m
edia support)

baal: {4}

And I looked through the Makefile and the third-party Makefile which seemingly
has to do with stuff like ffmpeg. But it was all Greek to me, I'm afraid.

Gan Starling
Kalamazoo MI