Subject: Re: png ABI bump - why?
To: Jaromir Dolecek <>
From: Vincent <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/22/2006 11:09:36
Jaromir Dolecek a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'd like to know why this change:
> """"
> revision 1.13
> date: 2006/04/17 13:44:46; author: wiz; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2
> Update to 1.2.9nb2 (hopefully final update for this weekend):
> . add rpath to libpng-config output
> . link against libpng12 (instead of libpng) in all cases.
> The latter causes shlib dependency changes, so update
I have had a problem in recompiling gimp24 with the new png 1.2.9. Some
functions of libpng used in Gimp like "png_write_destroy" are local in
the new libgimp12 and global in (the backward-compatible ?), as they were in png 1.2.8 and before:
nm /usr/pkg/lib/ | grep write_destroy
0001195c t png_write_destroy
nm /usr/pkg/lib/ | grep write_destroy
00013b9c T png_write_destroy
And that causes a Gimp build failure. I had to manually patch
to make it point towards
I have done something wrong, or is this a *real* problem?