Subject: Third Party User-UIDs > 1000
To: None <>
From: Zafer Aydogan <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/12/2006 18:19:00
Hello List,

it is unsatisfying to have users from pkgsrc software using UIDs > 1000.

% cat /etc/passwd
nobody:*:32767:39:Unprivileged user:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
cyrus:*:1000:6:cyrus-sasl cyrus user:/nonexistent:/bin/sh
www:*:1002:1000:Apache user:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
mysql:*:1003:1001:MySQL database administrator:/var/mysql:/bin/sh
pgsql:*:1004:1002:PostgreSQL database administrator:/usr/pkg/pgsql:/bin/sh

As someone else noted this, they show up on the KDE Login screen.
Although, I could customize .kdmrc, I wish there would be a default
solution to have these users below 1000 ?
I mean, this doesn't occur on other package management systems.

Greets, Zafer.

ps: I'm using NetBSD 3.0