Subject: Re: pkg_chk doesn't work due too a fmt(1) bug (was: CVS commit: src/usr.bin/fmt)
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/04/2006 17:05:53
On Jan 4, 10:46pm, (Bernd Ernesti) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: pkg_chk doesn't work due too a fmt(1) bug (was: CVS commit: s
| Ok, here is a new test case for that problem. It is a slightly modified version.
| There is a problem with an buffer >1024.
| Copy the previously send pkgchk_update-hostname.conf, the new
| and the pkgchk_update-hostname.conf-2 into the same directory and run the
| in that directory.
| I replaced the pkg_info | awk call with a simply cat, so you won't need a
| lot of installed packages.
| Notice the 'a ' at the end of the output.
| pkgchk_update-hostname.conf-2 is 1025 bytes long. fmt works if you remove one
| char from that file.
| Bernd
Thanks, I fixed it.