Subject: Re: Using pkgsrc for an OpenSolaris distro
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/28/2005 11:47:57
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Moinak Ghosh <Moinak.Ghosh@Sun.COM> wrote:
>   Please let me know if this not the right forum for this post. I am=20
> the initial
> author of BeleniX=20
> (,
> an OpenSolaris based distribution. As of now BeleniX does not have a=20
> packaging
> mechanism.
> I wanted to use a modern packaging framework and Pkgsrc appears to be an=
> ideal
> choice. I am a newbie to Pkgsrc and am thinking of using Pkgsrc to=20
> package the entire
> OpenSolaris base distribution as well as use the other open-source=20
> packages. Is this
> advisable or even feasible ? Any suggestions ?

I think that's a great idea and pkgsrc would lend itself to this task
indeed.  I think there are other, similar efforts with a pkgsrc based
Linux distribution where the entire installation is pkgsrc based
(including kernel, base system etc.; see  I think it was Jeremy Reed
who did this -- maybe he can chip in on this discussion?

pkgsrc already does a great jobs of providing software packages for
Solaris, and seeing how DragonFlyBSD adopted pkgsrc, I see no reason why
another OS couldn't also make use of this framework.


--=20 -
         Multiarchitecture OS, no hype required.

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