Subject: Re: specifying database options
To: Geert Hendrickx <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/20/2005 11:57:52
On Tue, 20 Dec 2005, Geert Hendrickx wrote:

> > I briefly checked out other possibilities; what scared me about dovecot
> > was the text in DESCR about "early stages of development".
> That DESCR is more than two years old.

Well, and the version in pkgsrc is also rather old.  A lot has happened
since 0.99.x.

(I'm maintaining the pkgsrc-wip versions of dovecot and dovecot-nightly,
awaiting 1.0 before moving the update to main pkgsrc.  It is decently
stable, but features are being added, so it's still a place to tread a
little lightly.  Still, I'm much happier having the flexibility to use both
mbox and maildir folders....)

-- Todd Vierling <> <> <>