Subject: Re: Firefox 1.5 package
To: Geert Hendrickx <>
From: Johnny Lam <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/12/2005 09:36:15
Geert Hendrickx wrote:
> This is how I did it in wip/firefox15: 
> ### Enable Official Branding
> ### Note that you cannot distribute builds with Official Branding
> ### without permission of the Mozilla Foundation.
> ### See
> .if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mofficial-mozilla-branding)
> CONFIGURE_ARGS+=		--enable-official-branding
> RESTRICTED=			"Cannot redistribute builds with Official Branding"
> .endif
> The restriction is that we can not *redistribute* officially-branded
> binaries, but users may perfectly enable this flag for their own use.  Why
> wouldn't we offer it as an option then, to make it easy for our users?  As
> long as we/they don't redistribute the resulting binaries.  

Maybe I'm misunderstanding things, but I think this is splitting hairs a 
bit too fine.  The spirit of the Mozilla distribution policy is that 
they don't want people making binary packages called "Mozilla Firefox" 
or "Mozilla Thunderbird" unless they're built from unmodified sources 
(modulo the few allowances they specify).  From what I understand, there 
is no *functional* difference between a package built with or without 
"--enable-official-branding", so we don't *need* to build with it 
(please correct me if I'm wrong here).  In that light, I think giving 
users an extra option to build with the option for essentially no gain 
when the Project itself can't seems just a tad confusing.


	-- Johnny Lam <>