Subject: Re: PKGREVISION for Makefile.common
To: Roland Illig <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/09/2005 00:09:36
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On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 10:51:34AM +0100, Roland Illig wrote:
> recently we had a discussion about introducing something like
> PKGREVISION for Makefile.common. Today I have noticed that this kind
> of thing would be really useful, as it is a tedious task to find out
> all packages that use a specific file.
> My proposal is to have a list, maybe called PKGREVISION_BUMPERS, that
> each package can append some values. The number of values would then
> be added to the PKGREVISION. For debugging, it may be a good idea to
> use the name of the file wanting the PKGREVISION bump as the value.

please don't.  please.  that way lies madness.

-- Lubomir Sedlacik <salo@{NetBSD,Xtrmntr,silcnet}.org>   --

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