Subject: Re: HEADS UP: Package removal candidates
To: Thomas Klausner <>
From: Jim Wise <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/05/2005 11:09:07
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 4 Dec 2005, Thomas Klausner wrote:

>The following packages haven't been building in NetBSD bulk
>builds since April. I extracted the reasons below from Krister's
>latest 2.0 and 3.0 i386 bulk builds.
>databases/jdbc-postgresql			jwise
>databases/jdbc-postgresql74			jwise
>These two complain about JAVA_HOME not being set.

This is an incorrect configuration on the bulk build machine.  At least 
the former of these packages is widely used by a number of users (myself 
included), and there are no PRs open to correspond to it's alleged 

As I do not perform bulk builds myself, I am not in a position to 
hand-hold the configuration of the bulk build system to make sure 
that it keep up with the constantly-shifting array of configuration 
variables for the building of java packages.  Someone who _is_ 
performing bulk builds should do so.

If this package is removed, it will be recommitted.

>www/ap-jserv					jwise
>Does not configure. On 3.0:
> checking java... /usr/pkg/java/jdk-1.1.8/bin/java                                              
> checking javac... /usr/pkg/java/jdk-1.1.8/bin/javac                        
> checking javadoc... /usr/pkg/java/jdk-1.1.8/bin/javadoc                                                         
> checking jar... /usr/pkg/java/jdk-1.1.8/bin/jar                                                           
> checking JSDK... configure: error: javax.servlet.Servlet not found in /usr/pkg/lib/java/jsdk.jar                 
>On 2.0:
> checking JSDK... /usr/pkg/lib/java/jsdk.jar                                                                                        
> checking overview... disabled                                                                                                      
> ...Enabling EAPI Support...                                                                                                        
> checking for httpd.h... no                                                                                                      
> configure: error: Could not locate one or more of the necessary Apache header files.                                            
>     Please check that you have passed the correct location for the Apache                                                         
>     directory.  Note that you must run either Apache's 'Configure' or                                                       
>     'configure' program at least once if you have never compiled Apache before;                                             
>     this generates certain necessary headers files based on your platform.                               
> *** Error code 1                                                                                     

This has been supplanted by tomcat and ap-jk, and can be safely removed.

>I will remove all packages from this list which are still failing
>in the 2.0 bulk builds in 2006 (except if I get feedback why I

Feel free to remove ap-jserv, if I don't get there first.  
jdbc-postgresql works fine for our users, and should not be removed.

- -- 
				Jim Wise
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (NetBSD)
