Subject: Re: variable naming question
To: iMil <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/02/2005 13:24:28
On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, iMil wrote:
>> If this is to denote a read-only or remote site, maybe better evaluate
>> BINPKG_SITE, which is used by pkgsrc. See BINPKG_SITES, BIN_INSTALL_FLAGS
>> and the bin-install target in packages(7) and pkgsrc/mk.
> as said before, the keypoint is not to have any pkgsrc hierarchy, so i won't
> be able to evaluate anything that's not present on the build informations.
I meant for learning about these existing variables, and how they are
used for the bin-install target. :)
- Hubert