Subject: Re: reinstalling pkgtools/pkg_install?
To: None <>
From: Klaus Heinz <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/27/2005 18:41:08
Georg Schwarz wrote:
> pkgsrc tells me to upgrade pkgtools/pkg_install. However, when I try to
> do so I end up like this:
> ===> Deinstalling for pkg_install
> ===> Becoming root@lorenz to deinstall pkg_install.
> /sbin/su Password:
> Running
> /usr/people/schwarz/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install/work/pkg_install-2005112
> 2/delete/pkg_delete pkg_install-20050210
> Package `pkg_install-20050210' is marked as not for deletion
I have been in the same situation recently and that's what I found out:
$ pkg_delete -f pkg_install
Package `pkg_install-20050718' is marked as not for deletion
$ pkg_delete -f -N pkg_install
Package `pkg_install-20050718' is marked as not for deletion
Deleting anyway
$ pkg_info -e pkg_install
$ ls /usr/sbin/pkg*
/usr/sbin/pkg_add /usr/sbin/pkg_create /usr/sbin/pkg_info
/usr/sbin/pkg_admin /usr/sbin/pkg_delete /usr/sbin/pkg_view
$ cd /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install
$ make reinstall
$ pkg_delete -f -f pkg_install
Package `pkg_install-20050718' is marked as not for deletion
Deleting anyway
$ pkg_info -e pkg_install
bash: /usr/sbin/pkg_info: No such file or directory
$ ls /usr/sbin/pkg*
ls: /usr/sbin/pkg*: No such file or directory
$ make reinstall
/usr/sbin/pkg_admin: not found
$ cp /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.byfile.db /tmp/
$ pkg_delete -v -O pkg_install
$ pkg_info -e pkg_install
$ cmp /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.byfile.db /tmp/pkgdb.byfile.db
- Like the manpage describes, option "-f" must be given twice
to delete a package if it is marked "not for deletion" and pkg_delete
will the package completely.
- Options "-f -N" seem to be the safest way to delete pkg_install.
Registration of the package gets removed but the files are kept.
- Option "-O" seems to be doing nothing. I cannot see a fundamental
difference between
-N Remove the package's registration and its entries from the pack-
age database, but leave the files installed. Don't run any dein-
stall scripts or @unexec lines either.
-O Only delete the package's entries from the package database, do
not touch the package or its files itself.
in pkg_delete(1). Why do we have "-O"?