Subject: Re: lintpkgsrc install fails
To: Wolfgang S. Rupprecht <>
From: Roland Illig <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/20/2005 22:32:53
Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
> With a fresh cvs from this evening, the installation of pkglint fails
> and pkglint is left with a non-expanded @PERL@ as the interpreter.
> bash-3.00# pwd
> /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint
> bash-3.00# make all install
> /usr/pkg/bin/pkglint -q -Wno-workdir
> make: exec(/usr/pkg/bin/pkglint) failed (No such file or directory)
> bash-3.00# head /usr/pkg/bin/pkglint
> #! @PERL@ -w
> #

With the words "fresh cvs", you mean you have done a "cvs update", 
right? Then please make sure that you haven't made any local changes. I 
can't explain that behavior otherwise, the relevant parts of the pkgsrc 
infrastructure seem to be unchanged to me.

If that doesn't work, try "make clean"; "make install".

If that doesn't work either, please send me the output of "make clean; 
make wrapper; make PKG_DEBUG_LEVEL=1 configure" via private mail.
