Subject: Re: openoffice2-bin package (2.0rc2)
To: None <>
From: Ian Zagorskih <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/12/2005 12:55:16
=F7 =D3=CF=CF=C2=DD=C5=CE=C9=C9 =CF=D4 Saturday 08 October 2005 16:22 Geert=
Hendrickx =CE=C1=D0=C9=D3=C1=CC(a):
> Here's an openoffice2-bin package for the latest linux build, 2.0rc2:
> It seems to work well, and Michael will commit this to pkgsrc soon.
> If anyone can get this to work with a JRE, please let us know.
Thanks all! Package misc/openoffice2-bin built from the latest pkgsrc CVS r=
fine on NetBSD-3.99.9/i386 :)
// wbr