Subject: Re: using PKGMANDIR?
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Georg Schwarz <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/11/2005 00:13:02
> Most autoconf configure scripts use --mandir which defines @mandir@ for
> (created via automake).
> pkgsrc sets CONFIGURE_ARGS for --mandir when using GNU_CONFIGURE.
> Note this is not a new idea. Pkgsrc has already supported this for "info"
> documentation. The main difference is that we specifically list the "info"
> files by name and they are auto registered to PLIST.
and there is no mechanism that does a quite intransparent string replacement
I haven't gone through the code, but it should be determinable under which
circumstances pkgsrc rewrites man/ to ${PKGMANDIR}/ for PLIST.
Then these packages could have man/ changed into ${PKGMANDIR}/ in their
PLIST, we could get rid of the non-obvious replacement procedure, and things
would be simpler and more transparent. Am I missing some point?
Georg Schwarz +49 178 8545053