Subject: help with man page installation for graphics/netpbm
To: None <,>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/07/2005 13:23:49
Adam (or someone else):

Can you please have a look at the man page installation for 

I breaks when I use new custom PKGMANDIR.

My Makefile has the following which works for custom PKGMANDIR, but not 
for default.

  	cd ${STAGEDIR} && 					\
  	${MV} link/* lib && 					\
  	${RM} -rf link man/web && 				\
+	${MV} ${STAGEDIR}/man/man* ${STAGEDIR}/${PKGMANDIR} &&	\
+	${RMDIR} ${STAGEDIR}/man &&				\
  	${MKDIR} share/doc/netpbm &&				\
  	${CP} ${WRKSRC}/doc/* share/doc/netpbm &&		\
-	${MV} share/doc/netpbm/*.1	man/man1 &&		\
+	${MV} share/doc/netpbm/*.1	${PKGMANDIR}/man1 &&	\
  	${MV} misc share/netpbm && 				\
  	${CHOWN} -R ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} . &&			\
  	${FIND} * \! -type d -print | ${SORT} >${PLIST_SRC} &&	\

I may be able to look at this later. But do you have any ideas on how this 
man page installation can be improved to work with PKGMANDIR (which allows 
installing to share/man for example).

  Jeremy C. Reed

  	  	 	 technical support & remote administration