Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc
To: Johnny Lam <>
From: Roland Illig <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/29/2005 00:11:42
Johnny Lam wrote:
> Alistair Crooks wrote:
>> So now we have a whole lot of:
>> NO_BUILD=yes
>> occurrences, which I absolutely detest - it mixes positive and
>> negatives, and always forces me to think twice about what is
>> happenning.
> I also need to look twice when I see mixtures like that. On this front,
> I think it's past time to get rid of these NO_* variables and replace
> them with positive DO_* variables, e.g.:
> NO_BUILD=yes ==> DO_BUILD=no
> The DO_* variables could default to "yes" so they don't need to be
> explicitly set in the vast majority of cases. This new naming
> convention would avoid semantic confusion for everyone, myself included.
Another possibility would be:
SKIP_PHASES= extract patch configure build install
This would reduce the number of lines in quite many packages, without
being unreadable.