Subject: Re: Renaming audio/musicpd to audio/mpd ?
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Geert Hendrickx <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/16/2005 08:44:55
On Fri, Sep 16, 2005 at 04:16:16PM +1000, Simon Burge wrote:
> It's annoyed my for a while that the package for the mpd program is
> called "musicpd". However, it's also been pointed out to me that "mpd"
> is a FreeBSD port for a multi-link ppp daemon program.
> Usually when I look for a program on pkgsrc I start with
> "ls pkgsrc/*/*prog*", and this could lead to people to believe that
> there's no package for mpd.
Other people may start looking for pkgsrc/*/musicpd, and will not find it
if it's renamed to mpd. :-) The website is called