Subject: RE: meta-pkgs/gnome build problem
To: David H. Gutteridge <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/13/2005 19:49:52
On Feb 3,  5:11pm, "David H. Gutteridge" wrote:
} Could you tell us the error message you're seeing?  I don't see any error
} messages in the work log you posted.  (But maybe someone else could make sense
} of it anyway, if they've duplicated this.)  What's the last output you see
} in your shell when the build breaks?
} I've successfully built the Gnome meta package under 2.1RC3/i386 about two
} weeks ago, I think I recall having to tinker with it to get some of the
} packages to compile, the error message might jog my memory.

     From what I can recall, the original poster noted a complaint
about not being able to find the proper version of
multimedia/gnome2-media.  I checked one of my systems and it had the
proper version, so it appears that the original poster's pkgsrc tree is
out of date.  Another possibility is that the original poster isn't
using the -current version of pkgsrc and there are inconsistencies in
the version that he is using.

} >I have been trying to build the meta-pkg gnome 
} >(/usr/pkgsrc/meta-pkgs/gnome) on my x86 machine and keep getting an 
} >error in gnome2-media. It tells me to check the 
} >/usr/pkgsrc/multimedia/gnome2-media/work/.work.log to see what is 
} >happening and unfortunately, though I have beenusing NetBSD for quite 
} >some time, I am not much of a programmer/debugger when the build process 
} >goes wrong.
} >
} >This is what I see at the end of the .work.log (last 50 lines):
}-- End of excerpt from "David H. Gutteridge"