Subject: Re: killing gnumeric-1.2
To: Gavan Fantom <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/08/2005 18:34:32
On Thu, 8 Sep 2005, Gavan Fantom wrote:
> How do you feel about leaving a record of deprecated packages lying around, 
> in order to a) make tools like pkg_chk work, and b) answer the inevitable 
> "wtf?" question from users when their favourite package no longer seems to 
> exist?
> One way to do this would be to replace the old package Makefile with a 
> Makefile containing something like the following:
> DEPRECATED=renamed
> DEPRECATED_REASON=Keeping users on their toes

Can we use pkgsrc/doc/CHANGES for this?

noon% grep Rename CHANGES
         Renamed net/ntop to net/ntop1 [adam 2005-01-06]
         Renamed games/marbles to games/lmarbles [adam 2005-01-12]
         Renamed misc/openoffice-linux to misc/openoffice-bin [mrauch 2005-02-24]
         Renamed www/jakarta-tomcat to www/jakarta-tomcat5 [abs 2005-04-01]
         Renamed www/firefox-gtk2-bin to www/firefox-bin [wiz 2005-04-18]
         Renamed mail/queue_repair to mail/queue-repair [schmonz 2005-07-14]

  - Hubert