Subject: Re: sorted dependencies
To: <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/07/2005 11:05:52
On Sun, 07 Aug 2005, Roland Illig wrote:
> You could create some meta-packages like my-servers, my-tools,
> my-games and make my-tools depend on my-servers.

In my case, I'd need at least 10 such packages.  The first few packages
are things I install with the network disconnected, because I know
email delivery will fail in interesting ways when perl and procmail are
not installed.  The next few packages are things I want before I am
comfortable in a shell (e.g. misc/screen).  And so on, ending with huge
packages that I seldom use.  Building the whole lot takes several days,
and it's important to me that the ones I want first get built first.
Just installing them all from binary packages created by pkg_comp takes
a while, and again I want it to be done in the order I specified.

I prefer having just one meta-package, with the dependencies processed
in the order I specified.

> On the other hand, I wouldn't feel offended if anyone changed back the
> dependencies to the first-come-first-serve order, I just prefer the
> alphabetical order.

Oh, did the order get changed recently?  I don't recall any discussion
before that happened.  Please revert to the first-come-first-served
order, or at least make it an option that I can request in my
meta-package's Makefile.

--apb (Alan Barrett)