Subject: Building perl modules that use Module::Build and incompatible argument PREFIX
To: None <>
From: Roman Kulik <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/29/2005 12:24:08
I'm trying to install Module::Build perl module, package name
p5-Module-Build, and it installs it but when I do:
bmake test
then some tests fail. Module::Build does not support PREFIX argument, so it
should not be passed to it. But I get a few errors complaining about
PREFIX, like this:
Sorry, PREFIX is not supported. See the Module::Build
documentation for 'destdir' or 'install_base' instead.
# Failed test 5 in t/compat.t at line 42
# t/compat.t line 42 is: ok $build->do_system(@make);
Does anyone know if it is possible to modify one of the pkgsrc configuration
files so pkgsrc would not pass PREFIX argument when the perl package uses
Module::Build instead of MakeMaker?