Subject: Re: Pending perl changes
To: Johnny C. Lam <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/16/2005 18:16:27
On Sat, 16 Jul 2005, Johnny C. Lam wrote:

> If you blindly use CPAN, odds are that you'll install into the "site"
> directories.

OK, then taking this case and combining with:

> The user must manually run the appropriate command to symlink scripts into
> /usr/pkg/bin, which frankly, I discourage because I don't want
> non-pkgsrc-managed things to end up under /usr/pkg.

Why not set siteprefix (as you mention below) to /usr/local by default?  If
pkgsrc will not be installing anything in the siteprefix anymore, why not
keep it outside of ${PREFIX} by default so that it's less likely to conflict
at all?

> I'm going to rework the perl package a bit to allow for choosing a
> different "siteprefix" at build-time that would let the user install
> site-bits into a separate hierarchy that's completely unmanaged by
> pkgsrc,

-- Todd Vierling <> <> <>