Subject: SSLBASE is not consistent
To: None <>
From: George Michaelson <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/01/2005 15:28:04
I am on RH EL3. I have openssl in the base OS /usr paths. I have
installed pkgsrc openssl. But this doesn't seem to be picked up by
packages which have ../../security/openssl/
Across pkgsrc, SSLBASE varies depending which directory you are in.
This seems to me to be wrong: it means that even if you install openssl
from pkgsrc, you cannot guarantee that its SSLBASE value will become
visible to other packages when you build them.
In my mk.conf I have *only* the one line:
And this is what I see:
[root@ginger apache2]# cd /opt/pkgsrc/security/openssl
[root@ginger openssl]# bmake show-vars VARNAMES=SSLBASE
[root@ginger openssl]# pushd /opt/pkgsrc/www/apache2/
/opt/pkgsrc/www/apache2 /opt/pkgsrc/security/openssl
[root@ginger apache2]# bmake show-vars VARNAMES=SSLBASE
[root@ginger apache2]#
I have tried to read the ML and gnats. I found
but with all due respect to the pkgsrc experts, I can't see how this
state is valid. If I install openssl (and I have) and it sees SSLBASE
as being /opt, then surely the same holds for any package which has
../../security/openssl/ in it?