Subject: Re: Unprivileged builds
To: Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/29/2005 11:31:23
On Sun, 29 May 2005, Julio M. Merino Vidal wrote:
> Talking about documentation... what about the attached patch to update a
> question of the FAQ?

Looks good.
One question that could arise while reading is how to relocate everything 
from ~/pkg to something else. I *think* setting --prefix alone would be 
enough, so maybe change the wording a bit:

``[...] as it will choose and use multiple default directories under 
<filename>~/pkg</filename> as the installation targets. The location of 
that directory can be changed using the "--prefix" option, the location of 
all directoriescan be overriden by all the flags provided by the 
<command>bootstrap</command> script.</''

> I can commit it, but dunno what to do later.  (Is the documentation in
> the website updated automatically?)  Not to mention that I'm having a
> lot of problems to build the guide; basically, it doesn't guess my
> PKG_SYSCONFDIR correctly, so it doesn't find the catalog.
> What's strange is that running 'make' by hand inside the work directory
> works, but running it from doc/guide doesn't.

The update procedure of the guide is documented in
I don't understand the XML framework to help debug problems there, maybe 
post a detailed error report (output of "make clean ; make" in 
pkgsrc/doc/guide, ...) on

  - Hubert

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