Subject: Re: New minicom version (was: pkg/30242)
To: Bernd Ernesti <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/22/2005 18:24:37
At 21:31 Uhr +0200 18.5.2005, Bernd Ernesti wrote:
>here is an update for pkgsrc/comms/minicom to 2.1.
>I don't have the time to test it right now. It compiles and starts.
>Does someone knows why we have patch-ac?
>I keept it for the moment.
>Please test it so we can do an update if that fix all problems.

Compiles and installs fine on sparc 3.0_beta.

Minor nits:

(1) The interactive setup of /dev/modem won't mix well with bulk builds.
And since you can change the device in setup, it looks like a pointless
exercise, anyway.

(2) In some places minicom ignores the PKG_SYSCONFBASE setting:

[hauke@pizza] ~ > minicom
minicom: there is no global configuration file /usr/pkg/etc/minicom/minirc.dfl
Ask your sysadm to create one (with minicom -s).
[hauke@pizza] ~ > fgrep PKG_SYSCONFBASE /etc/mk.conf
PKG_SYSCONFBASE=        /etc

and later in 'minicom -s' setup a 'Cannot write to


[hauke@pizza] /home/hauke # pkg_delete minicom
The following users are no longer being used by minicom-2.1,
and they can be removed if no other packages are using them:


The following groups are no longer being used by minicom-2.1,
and they can be removed if no other packages are using them:



-- is there any way of educating pkgsrc about system accounts and have it
not advertise them for removal?


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