Subject: Re: The Logo Thread. (^&
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/21/2005 21:49:27
thus Richard Rauch spake:
> On Sat, May 21, 2005 at 07:35:46PM +0200, Geert Hendrickx wrote:
>>On Sat, May 21, 2005 at 12:08:19PM -0500, Richard Rauch wrote:
>>>Just a few comments on this thread:
>>> * pkgsrc is not just for NetBSD anymore.  Do you want to emphasize
>>>   the relation in a logo?  NetBSD users already know about pkgsrc.
>>Giving pkgsrc its own logo may emphesize the fact that it's a project on
>>its own right.  But some inheritance from the NetBSD logo isn't exactly
>>"unright", is it?  
> If it were incidental, no problem.  But the NetBSD logo is so ugly that
> I actively avoid the main web-page now.  (I used to go there on my way
> to the mailing lists to check announcements, but after losing the nice
> flag-raising splash graphic for the logo...ewww.)
> If it is too readily suggesting NetBSD, it may strengthen the
> impression, "Oh, pkgsrc.  That's only for NetBSD."
> I'm going to stay away from repeating things that I said about,
> e.g., the color scheme when the NetBSD logo was announced.  I'll
> be strong.  (^&
>>> * There is no pkgsrc-advocacy list that I know of, and (see previous
>>>   point) netbsd-advocacy seems wrong to me, so this is probably the
>>>   best place for the thread.
>>It's still a tech- list.  Maybe this is a good moment to start some
>>separate pkgsrc lists, like pkgsrc-advocacy (and maybe rename tech-pkg
>>to pkgsrc-tech ?).  
> Yeah, I know, but it's also the only pkgsrc-related list.  This
> thread has absolutely nothing to do with NetBSD, per se; it does
> have to do with pkgsrc.
> More lists might be a good idea.

a solution might be to add some/all logos of the OSs that pkgsrc runs
(officially) on, an idea that's already known (i think hubert mentioned
this thing).

alas, i don't know of the legal issues that come up with that (what
would a Sun lawyer do when he sees a pkgsrc logo surrounded by OS's
logos like the Solaris logo?)...


Timo Schoeler | |
//macfinity -- finest IT services |
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