Subject: The Logo Thread. (^&
To: None <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/21/2005 12:08:19
Just a few comments on this thread:

 * pkgsrc is not just for NetBSD anymore.  Do you want to emphasize
   the relation in a logo?  NetBSD users already know about pkgsrc.

 * There is no pkgsrc-advocacy list that I know of, and (see previous
   point) netbsd-advocacy seems wrong to me, so this is probably the
   best place for the thread.

 * I preferred the font in Hubert's original, FWIW.

 * The exclusive-or version (between the letters and the cube) appeals
   to me, personally.  It also makes the logo more compact; putting the
   letters below the cube instead may in some cases force a smaller scale
   logo, which could make it harder to read the letters.

  "I probably don't know what I'm talking about."