Subject: Re: MESSAGE for ms-ttf
To: Martti Kuparinen <>
From: Adrian Portelli <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/30/2005 16:57:49
> After installing ${PKGNAME} you must run the following commands
> to use these TrueType fonts with your X server:

> [1] Install also pkgsrc/fonts/mkfontscale if you don't have mkfontscale
>      in /usr/X11R6/bin (as part of your X server)
> [2] Install also pkgsrc/fonts/fontconfig


If a user _has_ to do [1] and [2] to get it working under X shouldn't the
two additional packages be added as a depends ?

Maybe an could be added with an option like "x11" that pulls
in the extra depends ?

just some random thoughts. . . .
