Subject: Re: Stopping a common shoot-your-own-foot problem
To: None <>
From: Martijn van Buul <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/30/2005 10:36:52
It occurred to me that Geert Hendrickx wrote in gmane.os.netbsd.devel.packages:
> Another argument is that I wouldn't like important databases to be
> dump-restored with incompatible versions of db4 in an automated way.
> I wouldn't mind taking some time to do that manually. :-)
Well, maybe I shouldn't have implied an automagic backup - I'm just thinking
out loud, figuring out a way how to make that manual backup somewhat
less painful.
For the average user, most db4 usage is in dependencies. It would be really
great if I could retrieve a list of known, system-wide db4 databases.
(And it would be even better if db4 was backwards compatible, but I guess
I'm preaching to the converted ;)