Subject: Re: PKGSRC_PATCH_FAIL on unknown patch file (was Re: pkgsrc NetBSD 2.99.15/i386 bulk build results 2005-02-13)
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Alistair Crooks <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/16/2005 21:58:53
On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 01:21:00PM -0800, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> > **************************************
> > Ignoring unknown patch file: /usr/pkgsrc/mail/oe2mbx/patches/patch-aa
> > **************************************
> May I commit a fix to make it fail on unknown patch file?
The logic was done that way for a reason - the problem we were trying
to combat was where someone had used sup without delete, or where a
new pkgsrc tar file was extracted over an old one, leaving previous
path files in place. We didn't consider it a problem that other patch
files were around - they were simply ignored. I think this is a good
approach, because it means that we only apply the correct patches,
with the minimum of impact - it's not always appropriate to stop a
package building simply because a patch file is left over.
> This will stop problem with impartial commits.
You're proposing that we fix a problem with "impartial commits" -
personally I don't mind who makes them :-) - but I'm not sure what
they are. Can you elaborate a bit for me, please?