Subject: Re: Changes to reference count directories
To: Johnny C. Lam <>
From: grant beattie <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/26/2005 21:26:28
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 10:07:52AM +0000, Johnny C. Lam wrote:

> Suppose you had several packages that require a certain directory to
> exist in order to function properly.  For example, suppose you have
> several versions of openssh installed via pkgsrc (this is possible
> with pkgviews), or even the case where you have an openssh in the base
> system as well as an pkgsrc openssh installed.  Each openssh instance
> requires /var/chroot/sshd to exist.  When one of the openssh packages
> is removed, it should leave behind the /var/chroot/sshd directory
> because there are other packages that still use it.  This is exactly
> the type of problem that reference-counting solves.

I don't think pkgsrc should try to solve the base system part of this
issue - unless the base system knows about it, it's simply not going
to work (as well) as it would otherwise.

e.g. I can't imagine Solaris' sshd caring if pkgsrc openssh is using
/var/chroot/sshd or not. it doesn't care. it shouldn't care.

it solves a particular problem, but I don't think the base system part
is that pertinent. that said, it seems like a useful thing to have
nonetheless. :-)


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