Subject: Re: HEADS UP: Alternatives system added
To: Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
From: Juan RP <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/25/2005 16:27:14
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On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 16:23:22 +0100
"Julio M. Merino Vidal" <> wrote:
> You have to choices:
> 1) Make your path use /usr/bin before /usr/pkg/bin.
> 2) Adjust the vi wrapper to run /usr/bin/vi:
> pkg_alternatives -w manual /usr/pkg/bin/vi /usr/bin/vi
> after that, no package will modify your setting.
> Oh well... I can add a variable that affects the _registering_ of
> alternatives at install/deinstall time. That should be enough for
> anyone that doesn't want to use this system at all.
Much better... because I don't want to modify my PATH for this...
and probably I won't use the alternatives stuff.
Please add this, so people like me will be happy without having to play
with alternatives.
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