Subject: Re: where to install man pages (was Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/doc)
To: None <>
From: Juan RP <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/17/2005 22:27:16
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On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 16:24:55 -0500
Johnny Lam <> wrote:

> Yes, I would prefer that we do it all either one way or the other.
> Having experienced the pain of PKG_SYSCONFBASE and VARBASE, I would much
> rather that we not have Yet Another Variable to tweak the /usr/pkg
> hierarchy and have to fix lots of packages to deal with the new
> variable.
> As for whether we should move 'man' and 'info' into ${PREFIX}/share, I
> would rather that we not do that.  The way that it is right now is
> rather low maintenance since we match the defaults and expectations for
> quite a lot of packages, and I don't see any real benefit to moving them
> at this point in the pkgsrc timeline.

I agree with Johnny, it's fine as is.

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