Subject: Re: OpenBSD 3.6 and pkgsrc
To: Paulo Aukar <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/06/2005 21:39:29
On Fri, 7 Jan 2005, Paulo Aukar wrote:

> I'm trying to use pkgsrc (2004Q4) on the last stable release of OpenBSD
> (3.6). bootstrap compiled and installed fine, I followed the guide to
> set everything up (an alternative pkgdbdir and mk.conf copied to /etc)
> but pkgsrc didn't work. Is ther anything else I should do or it isn't
> for the moment possible to use pkgsrc under OpenBSD 3.6? Anyone could
> help?

Please tell us more. What didn't work? What exact error messages? What
were you doing? How did you test?

We will be glad to help you get pkgsrc working (for most packages) under

 Jeremy C. Reed

 	  	 	 open source, Unix, *BSD, Linux training