Subject: Re: db4 4.3.21 error
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/05/2005 12:27:22
Martti Kuparinen --> tech-pkg (2005-01-05 10:38:42 +0200):
> Martti Kuparinen wrote:
> >ROOT inside:~> lintpkgsrc -i
> >Scanning Makefiles: 5262 packages
> >Version mismatch: 'db4' 4.2.52nb7 vs 4.3.21
> >ROOT inside:~>
> >
> >I then updated db4 and cyrus stopped working. Here's a fragment from
> >/var/log/messages:
> >
> >Dec 29 10:11:01 inside lmtpunix[25171]: DBERROR d^^H^H: db4
> >Dec 29 10:11:01 inside lmtpunix[25171]: DBERROR: critical database 
> >situation
> >Dec 29 10:11:01 inside master[15334]: service lmtpunix pid 25171 in 
> >READY state: terminated abnormally
> >Dec 29 10:11:01 inside master[15334]: exiting on SIGTERM/SIGINT
> >
> >
> >I went back to 4.2.52nb7 and everything is okay.
> Same errors with db4-4.3.27 :-(

I probably don't know what I'm talking about, but... the log file format
changed[1] in BDB 4.3. According to the BDB docs[2] you'll have to
   1. Shut down the old version of the application.
   2. Run recovery on the database environment using the DB_ENV->open
      method or the db_recover utility.
   3. Remove any Berkeley DB environment using the DB_ENV->remove method
      or an appropriate system utility.
   4. Archive the database environment for catastrophic recovery. See
      Archival procedures for more information.
   5. Recompile and install the new version of the application.
   6. Restart the application.

However, I didn't try this so far (waiting for anoncvs to be available

HTH, Jukka


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$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~