Subject: From PR to pkgsrc
To: None <>
From: Ola Eriksson <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/14/2004 01:03:09
Hello pkgsrc people,

I have some updates and new packages that I've sent via PR's that has 
not been included in pkgsrc yet. Is there some other prefered way of 
submitting updates and additions? Or is there something else that I can 
do to make this process easier for you guys when I submit PR's, to 
perhaps speed things up a bit?

(And yes, I know that this is all done on a voluntary basis, I'm just 
trying to do my part by adding the stuff I use on a regular basis :))

The packages in question are listed below:

2004-06-27: pkg/26091: easymenu-0.7.2 package created

2004-10-27: pkg/27553: Package created for uisp-20040311

2004-10-28: pkg/27596: Package created for simulavr-

2004-12-07: pkg/28570: cross/avr-libc updated to 1.0.4

Best Regards,
Ola Eriksson