Subject: Re: abiword won't print properly?
To: Vincent <>
From: Paul (NCC/CS). <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/06/2004 16:42:12
Fantastic! Thks. I pkg_deleted abiword 2.0.5 and built and
installed abiword1. the printing is FINE:)!
And the spell checker workd as well.
So thanks. I get to keep NetBSD on the desktop.
Actually one other question, when you want to build a
snapshot version of something in pkgsrc,
how do you do that?
do you have to alter something in the pkgsrc tree?
( ie i don't know how to build 2.1.8 ).
Vincent wrote:
> > Abiword won't print properly.
> > When I come to print a document from abiword I get a terrible
> > result of some strange looking font and the letters frequently
> > on top of one onother. But not all of them. The print out basically
> > is horrible and doesn't work properly.
> That's a bug in Abiword I think. It is also unable to handle correctly
> some diacritics, like é or Greek letters.
> Try the snapshot version (2.1.8 I think)
> Cheers,
> Vincent
Australian Bureau Of Meteorology