Subject: Re: pkgsrc/IRIX
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/30/2004 13:38:47
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grant beattie <> wrote:
> while a web page is useful for people trying to get things up and
> running, I think it should be made part of the official documentation,
> partly so everything is in one place, and partly so that there's an
> incentive to merge these things into pkgsrc itself.

Yes, I very much agree.  But I do have a number of things related to
pkgsrc/IRIX that currently still require more investigation, more
testings etc.  I ment this website to be an informal help for
outstanding problems and patches that have not yet been applied to the
pkgsrc tree.

The whole dual ABI business, for example, requires changes to some of
the .mk and buildlink instrastructure or even the compiler setup which
in turn require extensive testing.  (It also appears that many people
using pkgsrc under IRIX have a setup different from mine.)

> the documentation is the first thing people will look at (or
> should!). we should make it as simple as possible for people to find
> what they are looking for easily and quickly.

Agreed.  And when I do find solutions to outstanding problems that have
been tested and verified to work, I'll happily commit them and document

The way people use pkgsrc on platforms that provide their own collection
of software differs from person to person.  Some people like to strip
down the host OS to the bare minimum, others like to combine pkgsrc with
the native setup.  We can not document all approaches in as much details
as we'd like in Packages.txt, I think.

The page I set up is, as I said, mostly an informal, loose collection of
items that I'm aware of, things I've run into and stuff that could not
yet get into pkgsrc proper.  I believe it may be helpful to others,
especially those who would otherwise give up on pkgsrc.


   It's psychosomatic. You need a lobotomy. I'll get a saw.
		  -- Calvin

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