Subject: Re: pkgsrc/IRIX
To: Jan Schaumann <>
From: grant beattie <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/30/2004 16:19:38
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On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 08:22:16PM -0400, Jan Schaumann wrote:
> > please note that the information found there refers to IRIX 6.X, probab=
> > 6.5.X only. Previous versions of IRIX considerably differ in many aspec=
> > I'm trying to adapt pkgsrc to compile on IRIX 5.3 for a few months now.
> Can you put your patches and experiences on a website somewhere? If
> not, can you compile all the information in one document/tarball and
> send it to me? Then I can at least include that information on my
> website until we've found a way (and time) to include it in pkgsrc.
hey Jan,
while a web page is useful for people trying to get things up and
running, I think it should be made part of the official documentation,
partly so everything is in one place, and partly so that there's an
incentive to merge these things into pkgsrc itself.
having "documentation" like this spread all over the place does more
harm than good I think :(
the documentation is the first thing people will look at (or
should!). we should make it as simple as possible for people to find
what they are looking for easily and quickly.
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