Subject: Re: pkgsrc/news/leafnode also uses hardcoded news user
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/23/2004 11:46:51
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Juan RP <> wrote:
> On Sun, 23 May 2004 02:27:55 +0200
> (Georg Schwarz) wrote:
> > pkgsrc/news/leafnode, similar to INN, uses a hardcode news user and
> > group. Should it have its own user and group pkgsrc variable?
> This is why I said in my previous email about creating a generic user/gro=
> "news"... :)
That is still missing the point. While it might be acceptable to have
the user who has access to the files owned by inn to be the same user
who has access to the files owned by leafnode, it may very well not be
acceptable for some setup. Which is why I think it makes more sense to
have individual users (ie INN_USER and LEAFNODE_USER). They may well
default to the 'news' user, but using this approach the administrator
can decide for herself if she wants to use 'news' or another ID.
I'll patch leafnode similar to inn in a bit.
Information wants to be free.
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