Subject: Re: Building without "modern" font support
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Perkin <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/17/2004 16:06:00
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* On 2004-05-16 at 04:51 BST, Juan RP wrote:
> On Sat, 15 May 2004 16:31:47 +0200 Martin Husemann
> <> wrote:
> > Anyway, I'm not insisting on this - if anyone can show me a
> > way to make X and pkgsrc produce good font output, I'll
> > gladly remove all my pkgs and start building from scratch.
> I don't understand what you mean by "good font output". I use
> pkgsrc/fonts/ms-ttf and vera bitstream fonts under all gtk2/qt
> applications, and the quality is good (IMHO) and enough for
> me.
What about standard X11 applications? Something in either X11
or pkgsrc has changed recently (probably X11, so sorry if this
is off-topic) to make TTF in standard applications look *awful*.
It always used to be the case that simply installing ttmkfdir,
putting tahoma.ttf somewhere, running ttmkfdir on the dir and
xset fp+'ing it would immediately make a really nice font
available for any X application. I've done this for well over 3
years, as I stumbled across some old screenshots from that far
back using tahoma.ttf perfectly.
These days, however, a standard setup ends up looking like
meaning I'm forced into having to use xfstt on a non-Solaris
machine for the first time in years to get the required look
which is simply a pain and unnecessary.
GTK2 applications seem better, although the fuzzy anti-aliasing
looks nowhere near as crisp/clean as above. It feels like
someone has twiddled a knob somewhere which has forced any
standard applications to look really bad because they don't have
the anti-aliasing stuff enabled. I'd like to know where it is
so I can turn it back :-)
Jonathan Perkin <>
BBC Internet Services
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