Subject: Re: State of MacOS X support? (specifically HFS+)
To: Jeff Rizzo <>
From: David P. Reese Jr. <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/20/2004 17:54:09
On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 04:43:30PM -0700, Jeff Rizzo wrote:
> Does pkgsrc on MacOS X still require the use of a UFS filesystem,
> or will it work OK on HFS+ these days? I couldn't find any
> information on regarding this...
The requirement should still be there, but I think I have found another
Man newfs_hfs(8) documents a `-s' flag for creating case sensitive HFS+
partitions beginning with OS X 10.3. The only gotcha is that I'm not quite
sure how to create a case sensitive HFS+ partition at install time. It
looks like you'd have to boot off of external media, newfs your partition
and then install on your new shiny case sensitive HFS+ slice.
I'm planning on giving this a try if I can borrow a firewire disk from
David P. Reese, Jr. daver at