Subject: pkg_comp interrupted--and then continued. Possible without rebuilding everything?
To: None <>
From: Marc Tooley <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/16/2004 15:54:16
I was trying to rebuild a huge chunk of packages to replace my currently
aging packages and have been using pkg_comp (with great success I might
Unfortunately I realized at one point that the "pkg_comp build [list of
pkgs]" I was using must be interrupted because I had forgotten to get
it to build my most-wanted packages first.
Silly me, I control-C'd.
All the temporary objs in the workobj directory disappeared.
Now my chroot'd pkg_comp'd beastie thinks it has to rebuild everything
when it actually doesn't.
My question: How do I tell it *not* to clean up the workobj directory if
interrupted (or at all)?
Thanks in advance!
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