Subject: Re: pkg_add -u deletes package before checking for conflicting
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Juan RP <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/02/2004 08:02:33
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On Thu, 1 Apr 2004 21:49:19 -0800 (PST)
"Jeremy C. Reed" <> wrote:
> pkg_add's upgrade option appears to run pkg_delete before its "Quick
> pre-check if any conflicting dependencies are installed".
> For example, if using it to install libxslt-1.1.5.tbz when libxml2-2.6.7
> is installed (and libxml2>=2.6.8 is required), the pkg_delete is done
> before (or irregardless to) that check.
> (By the way, my enhanced pkg_add's upgrade option doesn't have that same
> problem because it doesn't do any pkg_delete on the -u option. It uses -r
> for the pkg_delete first and so that still has a problem then.)
That's great, will you share your changes with all us when you have it
finished? :-)
Juan RP <>
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