Subject: Re: bootstrap-pkgsrc moved to pkgsrc/bootstrap
To: MLH <>
From: Jonathan Perkin <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/11/2004 16:42:22
* On 2004-03-11 at 16:33 GMT, MLH wrote:
> I just nuked my /usr/pkg on Solaris8 (the lang/gcc3 build failed
> using Solaris gcc3 that we discussed yesterday) and tried the the
> bootstrap using /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc (/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -o bmake):
> [..]
> nbcompat/statfs.h:30: error: conflicting types for `fsid_t'
> /usr/include/sys/vfs.h:56: error: previous declaration of `fsid_t'
I was just about to test this myself - I'll take a look..
> Also, might it be possible for bootstrap to use '/usr/pkg' as a
> softlink? Right now bootstrap won't run when /usr/pkg is a softlink.
It is, but not without a really ugly SunOS-specific hack :-) I'll
try to come up with a neater fix for this (pkg/23086) or else just
bite the bullet and curse broken Solaris tools yet again.
Jonathan Perkin <>
BBC Internet Services