Subject: Re: devel/apr build problem on Solaris
To: Neil Hoggarth <>
From: Gavan Fantom <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/09/2004 15:48:04
On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Neil Hoggarth wrote:
> I'm using NetBSD pkgsrc on Solaris 9. apr- (the package
> for Apache Portable Runtime) does not build for me. I wasn't sure
> whether filing a PR was appropriate (given that I'm not using NetBSD)?
Yes, definitely.
> If I were hand-building the package I'd probably try putting "-lnsl"
> on the and of the link command at this point, but I'm not sure how to
> fix this "properly" in a pkgsrc context.
> Does anyone have any ideas about how I should proceed?
LDFLAGS.SunOS+= -lnsl
in the package Makefile.
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