Subject: Re: Am I stepping into the middle of something?
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Juan RP <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/06/2004 07:52:42
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On Sat, 6 Mar 2004 01:49:57 -0500
Allen Briggs <> wrote:
> I just tried to build an interesting-looking package in a
> fresh pkgsrc on my March 2nd-current system and I got the
> following:
> ========================================================================
> $ make
> make: "../../mk/buildlink3/../../mk/buildlink3/" line 1:
> Malformed conditional (empty(_BLNK_DEPENDS:Mx11-links) &&
> !empty(USE_BUILTIN.x11-links:M[nN][oO]))
> make: "../../mk/../../mk/" line 1369: if-less endif
> make: "../../mk/../../mk/" line 1369: Need an operator
> make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
> make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/audio/rhythmbox
> ========================================================================
> Am I just playing with something that's being worked on, or is something
> out of date, or is this as puzzling to you folks as it is to me?
> BTW, I've been spoiled by years of pkgsrc working so well that I rarely
> consider building something if it's not in pkgsrc. Thanks...
I just discovered this problem when I was upgrading abiword, read this please:
Juan RP <>
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