Subject: Re: NetBSD pkg system growth in 2003
To: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
From: None <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/05/2004 11:57:42
After this thread first started (and given a little prompting from a few
other people) I actually started doing this myself a week ago. I'm doing
it a little more detailed as I'm actually doing a 'cvs update' for every
day of the pkgsrc project since it's start. I then intend to do a
side-by-side comparison with the pkgsrc-wip project to see the interaction
between the two.
I'll hopefully finish in the next few days or so and then I will put the
data up on my site and also make the raw data available to anyone that
wants to use it.
Back to the point . . . on what I've got so far pkgsrc hit 1746 packages
on 27/12/2000. I'm only up to 14/04/2001 (2021 packages) ATM but I have
not seen a nose dive like that in the numbers. My mirror of the CVS was
done @28/02/2004.
In fact, I have rarely seen the numbers decrease by more than 5 or 10
going from one day to the next.
> Hi,
> On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 01:12:07PM +0200, Mike M. Volokhov wrote:
>> I'm not an expert of gnuplot, thus let me ask you how you build that
>> graph? I got a number of packages for all period of NetBSD pkgsrc life.
> put the packages into a file _one number per line_.
> Then
> % gnuplot
> gnuplot> set ylabel "packages"
> gnuplot> set xlabel "time (months)"
> gnuplot> plot "pkgcount" with linespoints
> For a good time^W^Wpostscript picture, do:
> gnuplot> set term postscript
> gnuplot> set output ""
> gnuplot> replot
>> That's it:
>> 27 620 860 909 913 918 939 987 998 1010 1036 1072 1081 1115 1144 1170
>> 1195 1212 1256 1298 1338 1388 1431 1477 1534 1584 1629 1697 1746 1265
> Hm... why does it jump down to 1265 from 1746 ?
> Other than that (which might be real, but should be looked at) great work!
> -is